Source code for simplegan.losses.cyclegan_loss

import tensorflow as tf

__all__ = ["cycle_loss", "identity_loss"]

[docs]def cycle_loss(real_img, cycle_img, LAMBDA): r""" Args: real_img (tensor): A tensor representing the real image cycle_img (tensor): A tensor representing the generated image LAMBDA (int): An integer to scale the loss Return: a tensor representing the loss """ loss = tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(real_img - cycle_img)) loss *= LAMBDA return loss
[docs]def identity_loss(real_img, same_img, LAMBDA): r""" Args: real_img (tensor): A tensor representing the real image cycle_img (tensor): A tensor representing the generated image LAMBDA (int): An integer to scale the loss Return: a tensor representing the loss """ loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(real_img - same_img)) loss *= LAMBDA return loss * 0.5